Saturday, January 1, 2011

Many Different Combinations

'm a show these two small volcanoes.
1.Before there 'was a hard work ... we were on a farm in the country to ask for the hay (the good one) for the reindeer (and much, wit' poor things ...).
Then we were placing him in a nice basket, but the reindeer would have been uncomfortable to eat and then decided to scatter good entrance.

2.Prepariamo a small snack for Santa Claus, adding his statuette 'cause that is safe and' just for him, and already '... we have a tangerine! We hold the temptation to give a biscuit ...

3.Al morning, the little man gets up, opens her eyes, and asks if Father Christmas' past, but before rushing in the room ..... runs into his sister's room to get her to go together to see the gifts! Finally
general excitement prevails ... and even a touch of regret 'cause Santa Claus and not' eaten all the biscuits

Merry Christmas My little treasures


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