Saturday, November 6, 2010

Funnykoozie Wedding Sayings


On 31 October the My daughter has received the sacrament of Baptism. It 'was a moving day, a beautiful day!
We had the honor of having as godfather and godmother of dear friends who have supported us throughout our journey adoptive, two people who have taken up the cause of Ethiopia and on tiptoe approached the CAE.
We were lucky enough to see concelebrate Baptism by our pastor, who will see 'and will help' grow Hanna and a Capuchin friar who represented Ethiopia. Italy and Ethiopia, white and brown, also set on the altar!
We had the privilege of having with us, coincidentally, the nanny who wants a special and will want to 'always good in a special way to the puppy and the other representing those who have been through that have led us to her.
We had the joy of being surrounded by children who have experienced the Ethiopians' and we hope to see grow with our time.

E 'was a gray day with rain but we do not realize we are almost' cause we were surrounded by so much warmth and love. We realized, once again how fortunate we are to be so loved and "spoiled" by so many special people. And finally

Hanna and 'entry in effect in the great house of God to thank Mary, who took us by the hand and showed us the way to reach our children, and now they have 'become Mary Hanna.


here she shows off her Ethiopian dress.

and it's time for more 'important.

and finally the party


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