Monday, September 29, 2008

Difference Between Darvocet

Brief history of the site (un'autocelebrazione)

The site
adoption ... Mom there is not one!
original title later became the current
Adopt a child (When a single mom is not enough)

was born in 2004 as a personal exercise (then not a lot more about the blog) with some considerations concerning 'adoption just ended and focus on the problems that I encountered in the second adoption.

then decided to make it public in 2006 announced in forum where she found favor with some operators (the Roots, wings, adoptions in Vietnam ,..., it.sociale.adozione, forum.aibi, ...) and censorship by CUB and MOL (I never understood This aversion to their blogs and other forums like the hated competition). In fact you can find references to this site in all the forums and other sites about adoption but not in Foum of CUB and MOL, which I have always mentioned, and 'link'.

In June of 2006 appeared to be a 'banner' at the top of Home Page.

In late October of that year you change the overall appearance of pages, rename and change 'banner' and the second part for adoption.

In early 2007 banner appears in the picture loosely based on a painting by Keith Haring and the public Small handbook of survival in the choice of The which is still the most widely read page of the site along with the most recent series of three pages entitled Are you really sure you want to take? .

early 2008 change the logo that becomes even more complex
but is now replaced by the current when when the site is reorganized into separate sections of statistics, comments, information, links and documents. This makes it all more readable and the pages are more compact.

At the same time I create this blog (for lack of time is quite abandoned).

After some brief collaboration, the site has remained in the hands of my one person, and maybe sometimes as they say "better alone than badly accompanied." The richness and timeliness of supply of articles and information is affected because the activity is non-profit making and carried out after 'children have gone to bed', even later still ...

Future Plans: If you want to survive and continue to miss sleep at night, I will publish a story about the adventure for children adopted (and almost finished), the considerations will finalize adoptions on the second (more frequent) and publish statistical tables and graphs as CAI and publish the data on semi- adoptions (a grind!).

I also have a dream : with the help of the association of parents of primary school my first child I would hold one or a series of meetings for teachers, parents and teachers on the adopted child in relation to school because children are increasingly adopted and teachers / educators are not prepared as the textbooks for the school do not speak or talk about it often would be better not speak.

In any case, from that April 1, 2006 to date, more than 28,000 visits and page views have exceeded the 110,000! These numbers were unthinkable at the beginning and are constantly growing. Many are those who write to me asking for advice or suggest topics. All I say to search the forum where you can find a lot of smoke but a lot of answers and the official and independent sites where the experiences and documentation.

As far as the contents , when I can, I still write something, always trying to be original and not to rewrite what was already written.

In short: Thanks to all visitors who read me and I quote, and so avoid me feel like my efforts vain.



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